Meet Luciana Carrasco, one of the most extraordinary little girls we’ve ever met!  She’s six years old and is challenged with Rett Syndrome, Austim, and Epilepsy.  And because of extreme financial circumstances, Luciana lives with her aunt and uncle (for years now) hours away from her mother. 

Through word of mouth, the aunt heard of Mission McNeill doing children projects and came to us for help.  After a couple of meetings, we all agreed that the best help we could give would be to improve some of Luciana’s hygiene issues.  Fortunately, we were able to get a HUGE discount in buying 57 packages of children diapers, equaling over 500 diapers.

The total project cost was $131 and one very special child helped!  To support Luciana with an additional gift, please click donate at the top of the page an write "help Luciana."