Mission: Improve an educational & health center dedicated to helping children and the elderly who's family income is less than $200/month.

To receive an education many village children are forced by parents to live hours away from them during the school week. Incredibly, these children rent a small room in Curahuasi and either live by themselves or with a sibling but without any adult supervision; some are as young as 8 years old. A typical room might be 8’ x 8’ big, with no furniture, no closet, an old mattress to sleep on (usually no bed), and maybe a chair. For a restroom, the children usually share an outhouse like restroom with strangers.

The facility we helped provides breakfast and lunch for these children, and for the elderly whose family income is less than $200 per month. It also provides a 3.5 hour after school program, along with clean water, toothbrushes and guidance for proper hygiene. The facility’s only downside is that they have very little in terms of educational supplies and toys.

With your help, we wanted to change this! In just three days and for only $220 we painted their study room much brighter and with stimulating colors. We provided them with two new whiteboards, lots of reading books, many educational games & posters, pencils, crayons, notebooks, and inspiring toys. In all, we managed to help improve the educational lives of 35 children with this project.

Donate for future projects at: Donate to Mission McNeill